Basic Tire Care Tips

4 Basic Tips in Taking Care of your Tires:


Air Pressure

  • Make sure that the tires are always of the specified air pressure. This is the most basic factor to consider when taking care of your tires. Observe the minimum (normal load) and maximum (maximum load) air pressure.
  • Check tire pressure approximately once a week in cold condition, or at least three (3) hours after the vehicle is driven. Let alone the spare tire, which can be a life saver in unexpected times.
  • Invest in a good quality tire pressure gauge and/or portable tire inflator.

 Low tire pressure can greatly affect fuel economy, handling and comfort.


Balance & Alignment

  • Wheel Balance - Equalizing the weight of the tire and wheel assembly to ensure smooth rotation at high speed.
  • Wheel Alignment - Adjustment of vehicle’s suspension components. Invest in routine wheel alignment (preventive maintenance).
  • Routinely repositioning of tires in specific pattern to evenly spread wear to all 4 tires to maximize tread life.

 Do these methods to avoid uneven tread wear, vehicle pulling to left/right, off-center of steering wheel while driving straight, steering wheel vibration and damage to suspension.


Visual Check

Even with best maintenance, tires will eventually wear our over time. You may do visual check and consider the following:
  • Tread Wear Bar - Flat rubber running perpendicular to make the wears evident and shows up when your tires has gone beyond their limits. Also, uneven wear patterns can indicate other problems with your tires and suspension.
  • Holes and Punctures - Repair depends on the severity of punctures, never repair tires with tread puncture larger than ¼ inch. Also, sidewall damages are not repairable.

 Results can be fatal when tires are repaired improperly. Be sure to consult credible technicians if industry standard procedures are used for the repair process.


Driving Behavior

Considering all the tips for taking care of your tires, the wearing of tires still depend on the road condition and the driver’s manner of driving.
  • Avoid speeding over potholes
  • Avoid speeding on curves to prevent wears on edges of front tires
  • Avoid fierce breaking and acceleration

 Adjust your driving habits that tend to trigger these tire-wearing situations. Not only these habits can protect your tires, but also protect your life from accidents.


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